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//! # `caffe.rs`<a id="orgheadline5"></a> //! //! A Rust FFI wrapper for the [Caffe](http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/) deep learning library, using [rust-bindgen](https://github.com/crabtw/rust-bindgen). //! //! ## Setup<a id="orgheadline1"></a> //! //! Requires a `caffe` distribution built with the patches in //! `ajtulloch/caffe:caffe-ffi` (<https://github.com/ajtulloch/caffe/tree/caffe-ffi>) //! to expose the necessary structures over FFI. //! //! You can clone and build that repository as usual. Set the `CAFFE_ROOT` //! environment variable to allow the `build.rs` script to correctly generate //! dependencies. //! //! ## Example<a id="orgheadline4"></a> //! //! ### Inference on a pre-trained network<a id="orgheadline2"></a> //! //! ```ignore //! use std::path::Path; //! // Create the newtork //! let mut net = caffe::Net::new(Path::new("test-data/lenet.prototxt"), //! caffe::Phase::Test); //! // Initialize the weights //! net.copy_trained_layers_from(Path::new("test-data/lenet.caffemodel")); //! //! // Fill in the input data blob. //! let mut data_blob = net.blob("data"); //! let mut ones: Vec<_> = repeat(1.0 as f32) //! .take(data_blob.len()) //! .collect(); //! data_blob.set_data(ones.as_mut_slice()); //! //! // Run a foward pass. //! net.forward_prefilled(); //! let prob_blob = net.blob("prob"); //! //! // Process the output probabilities. //! let probs = prob_blob.as_slice(); //! println!("{:?}", probs.to_vec()); //! assert_eq!(probs[0], 0.06494621) //! ``` //! //! ### Running a solver<a id="orgheadline3"></a> //! //! ```ignore //! use std::path::Path; //! let mut solver = caffe::Solver::new( //! Path::new("test-data/lenet_solver.prototxt")); //! solver.solve(); //! ``` #![feature(convert)] #![feature(libc)] #![feature(plugin)] #![feature(unique)] #![deny(missing_docs, missing_copy_implementations, trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts, unused_import_braces, unused_qualifications)] extern crate libc; mod solver; mod util; mod net; mod blob; mod common; pub mod ffi; pub use common::*; pub use net::*; pub use solver::*; pub use blob::*;